This is an update to HeinOnline. HeinOnline now has the historical
Code of Federal Regulations from 1938 through 1983. Navigating it is still a bit tricky, here's part of their announcement:
"The complete CFR is available in HeinOnline for the period 1938 through 1983. Some researchers have mentioned to us that they were not able to see the 1963 through 1976 CFR content when using the “Title and Part Quick Locator” feature in HeinOnline. However, this content IS available in HeinOnline, but until we electronically index the 1963 through 1976 CFR content to the Part level (which will occur before year-end), researchers should use the “Browse By: Bindings” feature to access content from the period 1963 through 1976."
There are also links to HeinOnline's Federal Register database and the Government Printing Office's (GPO) CFR site, which has the CFR from 1996 onward.