Sunday, July 30, 2006

Presidential Signing Statements

In June, the American Bar Association announced creation of a Task Force on Presidential Signing Statements and the Separation of Powers Doctrine. the Task Force Report as well other material is available online here. The Report will be presented to the ABA at its annual meeting on Aug. 7-8.

Friday, July 28, 2006

UT Law Prof Publishes On Post-Disaster Price Gouging

The most recent issue of the Kentucky Law Journal (Vol. 94 , pg. 535) carries an article by UT Law Professor Geoff Rapp titled: Gouging: Terrorist Attacks, Hurricanes, and the Legal and Economic Aspects of Post-Disaster Price Regulation.


There is a new portal to European Union Law,

(Thanks to Law Librarian Blog)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

UT Law Dean Featured In UToday

UToday July 25, 2006

Douglas E. Ray started his job as the UT College of Law's 16th dean this month. He looks forward to leading the college, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, into its second century, working with the community to continue the college's steady climb.

"I accepted this position because I think the College of Law has a bright and positive future," said Ray, who taught at the UT College of Law from 1981 to 1998. "My hope is to spend much of the next academic year working with the faculty, staff and alumni in a planning process to ensure that we make the most of our opportunities and continue the college's progress."

Ray returns to the College of Law following six and one-half years of service as dean of the Widener University School of Law and as vice president of Widener University. At Widener, he was responsible for law school campuses in Wilmington, Del., and Harrisburg, Pa., with more than 1,500 students.

As UT College of Law dean, one area of focus will be expanding opportunities for students to engage in public interest work, building upon the college's rich heritage of clinical programs, as well as upon student enthusiasm for using their legal education to help others.

"The college's clinic programs and public service externships give students the opportunity to serve the poor, learn practical skills, build confidence, and learn that a lawyer can make a big difference in a person's life," Ray said.

UT Prof's Op-Ed On Terrorism Watch Lists

Read Toledo Law Professor Daniel Steinbock's column in today's Jurist, titled Keeping the 'Watch' in Terrorism Watch Lists.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Application Period For 2007-08 Fulbright Grants

October 20, 2006 is the deadline for applying for 2007-08 Fulbright Grants. For information, see the Fulbright Online website.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Search For New Library Director Begins

The position description for Director of the LaValley Law Library at the University of Toledo has been posted on the American Association of Law Libraries' Job Hotline. Please forward it to anyone who may be interested in applying for the position.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Call For Papers-- Canadian Legal Education Journal


The Canadian Legal Education Annual Review is a peer-reviewed annual publication of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers (CALT). The aim of the journal is to foster scholarly exchanges on issues related to legal education and relevant to all Canadian law professors, graduate students and those who teach law. In particular, the journal aims to encourage critical and scholarly reflections on the aspirations, goals, objectives, values and cultures of legal education and on the processes involved in law teaching .

CLEAR welcomes submissions dealing with current issues and problems in legal education, presenting empirical studies on legal education and action research projects carried out by professors, examining new trends in adult education or new methods of instruction (including but not limited to learning technologies), and discussing faculty or university reports dealing with issues such as curricular reforms and access to legal education. In addition, the CLEAR welcomes other pieces such as personal stories and reviews of books and other media. CLEAR welcomes and encourages submissions in both English and French.

Please send your manuscripts as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word format to All manuscripts must follow the Canadian Guide to Legal Citation. Manuscripts must be sent by October 31st, 2006 for publication in the 2007 issue, which will be published in time for the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers in June 2007.

Arts & Entertainment- Week of July 17-24

Tues.- Sun., July 18-23: Toledo Museum of Art, Ansel Adams: Vision of the West, Gallery 18; Prints of Pop, Works on Paper Gallery.

Thursday, July 20: Hoffman Trio (Classic Rock), Lunch at Levis Square Concert, noon- 1:30

Thursday, July 20: Discover Downtown Toledo, Walking Tour, On the Waterfront, 1:10 p.m.

Thursday, July 20: Jazz in the Garden-- Kathy Cousins, Toledo Botanical Garden, 6;30 pm.

Friday, July 21, Noon Tunes, Toledo Botanical Garden, noon.

Friday, July 21, Rally by the River, Downtown. 5:30 pm- 9:30 pm.

Friday, July 21: Skies Over Toledo, Ritter Planetarium, 8:30 pm.

Sunday, July 23: Music Under the Stars-- Cup Full of Magic: Disney!, Toledo Zoo Ampitheater, 7:30 pm.

New Issue of Toledo Law Review Is Available

The Spring 2006 issue of the University of Toledo Law Review has been published recently. Here is a link to its table of contents.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Next Week's Cultural & Entertainment Events In Toledo

Here are selected cultural and entertainment events for the week of July 10-16 in Toledo and its suburbs. Please let us know whether you would like the Law Library to continue to post weekly event listings of this sort.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Affirmative Action Conference At Wayne State

On July 21, Wayne State University Law School is sponsoring a program titled "The Status of Affirmative Action In Michigan and Beyond: A National Briefing". The program is at Wayne's law school from 10:00 a.m. to noon and features as the speaker Shanta Driver, National Director of the Michigan-based United for Equality and Affirmative Action. For more information contact Marshall Rose (419)372-8472 or (Free & open to the public).

Friday, July 07, 2006

For UT Faculty-- NEH 2007 Summer Grant Process

The National Endowment for the Humanities will accept applications through October 2, 2006, for their Summer Stipend program. As noted in the NEH Guidelines , successful applicants receive a $5,000 stipend for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months, and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer Stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year. Individuals may apply for both a Summer Stipend and a Fellowship, but they may not hold both in any given fiscal or calendar year.

The NEH specifies that applicants from higher education institutions may apply only after being nominated by their institution, after which they may apply online. A university may nominate no more than two faculty members of either junior or senior rank. The University of Toledo will select its applicants through an internal review process. An internal review committee will recommend nominations after review of a preliminary application, due by 5 pm on Wednesday, August 23. Applicants should submit the following:

1. A title page that includes the full project title, and the name, academic rank, department, and contact information for the applicant.

2. No more than a three-page (double-spaced) project narrative that summarizes the ideas, objectives, and methods of the project and its potential contribution to humanities scholarship.
3. The names and titles of two potential individuals to write letters in support of the project (one must be from outside UT).

4. A one-page project bibliography for the intended project.

5. A two-page resume that includes present and past professional positions.

The application materials should be sent by email to Dr. Richard Francis at The University plans to announce its nominations by September 1. Nominees will need to complete online submission to NEH by October 2.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Navigating Federal Agencies

The law Librarians' Society of Washington DC has a new webpage up with links to laws and related materials regarding the operation of federal agencies:

It is part of the LLSDC's Legislative Sourcebook, an excellenct site for navigating through federal materials

Call For Papers-- Junior Torts Scholars

Call for Papers Reminder
Deadline: July 28, 2006

Junior scholars writing in the area of Torts are invited to submit papers for "Tort Law and the Modern State," a conference to be held at Columbia Law School, New York City on September 15-16, 2006.

The Conference is sponsored by Columbia Law School and the Randolph Speakers Fund and is being organized in connection with the launch of a newly formed peer-reviewed journal, the JOURNAL OF TORT LAW,

Editor-in-Chief Jules Coleman, Yale Law School

Editorial Board
Mark Geistfeld, NYU Law School
John C.P. Goldberg, Vanderbilt Law School
Catherine Sharkey, Columbia Law School
Ronen Perry, Faculty of Law, Haifa University
Benjamin Zipursky, Fordham Law School

The Conference will bring together many of the world's most prominent tort scholars, representing a range of perspectives and methodologies including comparative, economic, empirical, historical, institutional, and philosophical analysis.

The Conference organizers are soliciting papers from junior (pre-tenure) scholars. Papers must be on some aspect of tort law, but all topics and methodological approaches will be considered. Submissions will be judged by the editorial board. Authors of submissions that are selected will appear on a conference panel, and will be given the option of publishing in the JOURNAL OF TORT LAW.

Junior scholars interested in being considered for inclusion must submit their papers no later than July 28, 2006. Papers should be no longer than 25,000 words. Submit your torts manuscript today via our website:

If you have questions about submissions or about the conference, please contact: Thelma Twyman,